Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

Resolusi 2014

Well, hanya tersisa kurang dari 2 jam lagi sebelum pergantian taun, jadi apa resolusimu??

Sebenernya, resolusiku sangat simple.

Semoga taun depan lebih baik daripada taun sebelumny.

Lalu ada temanku yang bilang, ga boleh gitu, harus drinci apa aja yang pengen dicapai d taun 2014..
Jadi, d sinilah aku, mencoba merincinya..

1. Menjelajahi minimal 2 tempat baru (dalam atau luar negri) (tetep traveling nomor 1).
2. Nabuuuuuung.
3. Lebih rajin k gereja (maaph ya Tuhan, saya suka males k gereja taun 2013. T-T ).
4. Lebih sungguh-sungguh dalam mengerjakan apapun. (baik itu kerjaan, main game, ngurusin sesuatu, ataupun geje)
5. Dapet pacar. (Amiiiiiiin ^0^)

Maaph ya kl aku puny salah slama stahun ini. Mari kita mulai lembaran baru d taun 2014 dengan lembaran baru yang masih bersih dari segala prasangka..

Happy New Year 2014. *duar duar duar, cuma kedengeran suaranya doank.. T-T *

Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

Marvin n Aurel Wedding's Day

Tanggal 14 kemarin, sepupu ku menikah..
Sejak pagi aku sudah berangkat menuju gereja untuk menyaksikan pemberkatan pernikahan mereka. Setelah itu, aku langsung meluncur menuju salon, dan langsung berangkat lagi ke tempat pesta..

Berikut beberapa foto (sesuai urutan), yang diambil oleh dotz, kecuali yang aku beri nama..

with Lex

with Lex (again)
with Key
with Aurel
With Dotz (foto by Kodi)
With Eky
With Dotz (foto by Kodi)
With my Aunt from behind (foto by Eky)

My famz (foto by Kodi)
My big big big famz (foto by Kodi)

Happy Wedding Marvin n Aurel..
Wishing you happily ever after bro..


The Hobbit - Desolation of Smaug

Senin kemarin aku dan beberapa teman pergi ke Gandaria City untuk menonton The Hobbit - Desolation of Smaug di Imax. Hal yang nyebelin adalah diharuskannya kita menggunakan kacamata untuk melihat efek photometric nya (memberi efek kedalaman yang biasanya disebut orang-orang sebagai 3D). Terus terang aja, kata aku kacamatany berat. Ughhh..

Some pics from the movie :

Ada satu scene yang menurutku sangat menyenangkan untuk dicoba, yaitu waktu para dwarf masuk ke dalam tong anggur dan meluncur d sungai..

Lagu penutup film ini enak untuk didengarkan..

And after the movie, I took some pics too.. =D

P.S. If you wondering why I choose pics with 'legolas' there, it's because I like his face.. :) 

Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

0 - 100 atau 100 - 0?

Benarkah pria dan wanita mencintai dengan cara yang berbeda??

Diskusi tentang cinta (a.k.a kegalauan) yang terjadi sepanjang perjalanan dari kantor ke Gandaria City menghasilkan sebuah statement yang membuatku mengerutkan kening.

"Pria mencintai dari 100 - 0, sedangkan wanita mencintai dari 0 - 100"

Pria mencintai dengan menggebu pada saat pedekate dan mulai meredup seiring dengan bertambahnya waktu. Sedangkan wanita pada awalnya bisa saja tidak menyukai seorang pria, tetapi karena kegigihan dan kebaikkannya maka wanita tersebut bisa menjadi suka.

Benarkan begitu?
Menurutku, bila kau memang benar-benar mencintai seseorang, cinta itu tak akan bisa pudar begitu saja. Bila kau benar mencintai, cinta itu akan terus bertambah secara eksponensial setiap harinya karena apapun hal baru yang kau pelajari tentang dirinya, maka itu adalah sesuatu yang akan selalu kau terima dan kau syukuri, bukan sesuatu yang akan membuat kalian menjauh..

Minggu, 08 Desember 2013

About You by Shane Filan

Some days you don’t feel beautiful.
Some days you want to change it all.
I answer with a question mark.
I love you just the way you are.

I change myself, if you ask me to
But there’s one thing that I could not do
No I wouldn’t change a thing about you.

You change the sky, you make it shine
You know the way to change my mind
You take my words and make them rhyme
You turn the water into wine

All of the things you put you through,
I wish you could see, exactly what I’d do
Cos I wouldn’t change a thing, about you

But some day you wake up
And feel like you need love
You can’t see your smile, your eyes
Not the way that I do
Don’t ever feel worthless
Just know that you’re perfect
And I’d change the world before
I’d change a thing about you

Some days you don’t feel beautiful.
Some days you want to change it all.
You don’t understand it’s plain to see
You’re just the way you’re meant to be

I’d change the world and make it new
But there’s one thing that I would not do
No I wouldn’t change a thing about you.

But some day you wake up
And feel like you need love
You can’t see your smile, your eyes
Not the way that I do
Don’t ever feel worthless
Just know that you’re perfect
And I’d change the world before
I’d change a thing about you

Nanananana nanananana

Some days you don’t feel beautiful.
Some days you want to change it all.
Those are the things that caught my heart
I love you just the way you are

But some day you wake up
And feel like you need love
You can’t see your smile, your eyes
Not the way that I do
Don’t ever feel worthless
Just know that you’re perfect
And I’d change the world before
I’d change a thing about you

But some day you wake up
And feel like you need love
You can’t see your smile, your eyes
Not the way that I do
Don’t ever feel worthless
Just know that you’re perfect
And I’d change the world before
I’d change a thing about you

Here for the video..

Just hear the song and read the lyrics make me falling in love with him once again..
Hope someone will sing this song for me with all his heart..

Happy B'day my Nephew..

Minggu, 1 Desember 2013, aku diajak untuk makan" d daerah kopo untuk merayakan pesta ulang tahun keponakanku yang baru 2 tahun. Sebenerny, aku sama sekali blom pernah k sana, jadi waktu sampe d tempat agak kaget juga. Tempatny enak sich buat nongkrong dan santai, asal jangan ujan aja. Karena konsepnya merupakan saung-saung d atas kolam ikan, agak repot kalo ujan turun..

Some pics from Key B'day..

And like before, it end up with me asked my brother Dodot to take pic of me (a lot).
Thanks to my little brother who always do it (even with the grumbling).
And hope for the best for Rafael Key Regan. Wish God will guide you through your life..

With love for both of you,

Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

True Love

Once upon a time..

After one year of break up, I found a message in my FB inbox.
That message was from my ex.
He wrote

How is you dear? Hope you are ok.

My first expression after reading that was shocking.
The man who I don't want to remember has messaged me.
Whole splash inside my mind.
The time we spend together.
That time when we dreamt of our beautiful future.
The time when he said "Dear, we will prove this world that true love really exist."
I just started crying by remembering that.
And suddenly I go pass his profile.
There I saw his status.
It was written that "In relationship with ..."
And I saw all his profile.
It seemed like he loved that girl very much.
But I wanted to tell him how much I love him.
But now, the time has changed.
My hand went to my keyboard, fingers on the keys, I wrote

Nice to see you happy with her. #withsmilingsmiley and gave him blessings for his relationship.

But I know I should escape from his life.
As I don't want our past splashes his new relation, I simply said

Wow, nice to see your message. I'm fine and very happy with my new boyfriend.

Although I know I should not spoke that lie.
But today, his happines is my first preference.
Yes, my heart still beats for you..

Have you ever done this??
I will do this if it will make you happy..
Hope the best for both of us..
I believe God will help us if we are mean to be together..

With love,